Its been one hell of a long night, and I may not want to hear Pierce Morgan or Anderson Cooper for a while. But I have to say I thoroughly enjoyed every minute of The Royal Wedding. I gotta say Im not really much a wedding guy and defiantly not a gown guy but it was all beautiful in a way I never imagined a wedding can be. A lot of different thoughts went through my head as I watched so why not share them with you.
Cinderella, Snow White, (insert another fairy tale queen here), when i read those books as a little child I thought. Hey that will never happen in the real world. Well last night I was proven wrong.
For a couple of hours it seemed like fairy was the norm.
People walking around wearing cloths that on any other day they would be laughed at but today. Today its all royal, its the norm.
Millions of people gathered together, yet not because they come to overthrow an evil government but because they've come to celebrate a great one, for one day thats the norm.
Guys who would never in a million years be caught admiring womens gowns, well last night that was the norm.
Most people tend to get bored in church, yet here it seemed that an hour long ceremony was to short. It almost seemed to be the norm.
But most of all, all those people that always wish bad upon everyone for one day they like wishing everyone only happiness is the norm.
One more thing entered my mind as I watched. We always look upon government as a necessary evil, but as I watched the wedding I realized that if done right government can be the greatest source of pride and joy to the entire world. Just remember its what we do that make those that govern upon us who they truly are.
Mike Brand is the host of the Mike Brand Show on YouTube, a show where he discusses the greatest topics of the day.